Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Campfire smores

The climb down Camel's Hump was a knee breaker but the Bamforth Ridge was very cool.

I must come clean...I took a shower today. Only 15 straight days without one this time. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but at least my mother could stand to give me a hug. Thank you so much Eric P.!

I met Jim Hester at the bottom of Camel's Hump this afternoon. Jim is a Long Trail end-to-ender and will be hiking with me over to Smugglers Notch. He has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's so we're going to take our time and see how he feels hiking again. He's in great condition and spirits!

My friends the Flask Brothers (Tim and Tom) and Stilletto are camping with us tonight. The guys went to town and packed in smores materials and the three of them gathered wood and made a fire. Tim made us all several rounds of perfectly made smores...the stars are out and it's been one of those summer nights you wish would never end. Jim hit the hay earlier and I'm afraid we may have been a little too loud with our story telling and laughter. I may not see these guys again so it was a perfect way to end some great days.

Thanks for the re-supply Mom...Sarah, Jim is doing great and I'm excited to have him out here with me..

Off to sleep to the sounds of the water cascading down Duck Brook.

Good night everyone. Thank you all for your wonderful and supportive comments. I'm in my element out here...definitely feel comfortable and at peace on this trail...
Zuni Bear


  1. Showering at the half-way mark doesn't make you a bad person, Jocelyn!
    Glad it is still going well. God bless Jim for his efforts; I hope this will be a positive experience for him.
    Thank you once again for all you are doing!

  2. Everything sounds like it's going wonderful up there in the clouds!!! Can't wait to see you when you come through. Safe Hiking Jocelyn!!!

  3. NICE! campfire, wilderness, cascading water, and SMORES!!!!! who could ask for any more?
