Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Camel's Hump

I'm sitting on top of Camel's Hump...the sun is shining and the views are spectacular. Everyone from camp last night is up here in awe of our glorious mountains and state. So proud to be a Vermonter! The Flask Brothers and I want to stay up here and bask in the sun and warmth of the day, but alas...we have many more mountains to climb!


  1. Wow, loks like you are having a great time, I looked at Camels Hump this morning when I left for work. I didnt know you were on it, or I would have waved, it was around 6:30. I dont have to tell you to hang in there, you are obviously capable of doing that on your own. Enjoy the rest of your trip, keep the mice away!
    Richard Degreenia

  2. Jocelyn: Thanks for doing this. When you are back and rested, drop me a line.

    George Africa
    Vermont Flower Farm
